Tuesday, 14 December 2010
9000 Tri Car Project Updated Update to the Update. . .
Friday, 10 December 2010
9000 Tri Car Project Updated Update. . .
Thursday, 2 December 2010
9000 Tri Car Project Update. . .

Friday, 19 November 2010
9000 Tri Car Project . . .
Thursday, 18 November 2010
GameArt VLog - Episode 2 - Guest Speakers...

Here is the scan for the presentation we had from Rare Games, they made some really good points and gave some great advice.
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
GameArt VLog - Episode 1 - Ummm Intro....

My Uni Art here : http://nanahra.deviantart.com/
You can also follow me on twitter here : http://twitter.com/Nanahra
Friday, 30 April 2010
Looking to the Future...
Art wise I want to practice more with colour on traditional media such as paints and pastels as I have spent most of my life drawing this year working with charcoal and graphite sticks. I have no issues with using colours but just wanted improve my charcoal rendering as it’s not something I’ve had a lot of experience with in the past. I will try to draw some location scenes with paint and such over the summer for practice as well as a bit of still life work in preparation for the 3rd year. The masterpiece project we did in Photoshop really helped in my understanding in the layering of colours and the directions of lines to achieve different effects so I aim to try and emulate this in my work as it as a lot more free and spontaneous than my current stiff and technical style. I have made big improvements in what I used to be like with my drawing but I do feel it needs loosening up further.
Above all I hope I am able to get into the 3rd year to be able to put all this work into practice. After the issues I’ve had over the past 12 months and the setbacks that have jumped my way being able to come back for the 3rd and final year with a clean slate will be a great reward. I have some time over the summer to be able to get myself together and come back with a renewed focus and stronger determination to better myself and achieve the best I can so I can get into the position to be able to get a job in the industry I love. It hasn’t and won’t be an easy road but I look forward to every step that gets me there. In closing I just want to thank the Tutors and some of you out there that have helped me and guided me through a very difficult time in my life and given me the motivation to keep myself moving forward, Your help and advice won’t be forgotten. Good Luck to you all.
Something to feed you brain's...

The Second article is the age old discussion of "Death and Ethical Violence in Videogames". Rather than just being another article shouting how its harming our children and such, it try's to explain how it is used in some cases to deepen stories and even make you empathise more with a character in a given situation. So give this one a try too, To view the article click here.

Oh and just as an extra, Here's a link to "Half Life 2: Raising the Bar" BUY IT!! Its something that everyone should read regardless if you have played the games of not, its like a bible for game artists and modelers on how the whole design process from start to finish should be carried out, Plus its Mike approved. Its a bit pricey now but I urge everyone to get it. Click Here.